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Meredith G. Ashley

Workers' Compensation
(913) 351-4211

Meet Meredith

Meredith is a skilled and forward-thinking attorney, specializing in Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa workers’ compensation law. She excels at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a case, allowing her to take a comprehensive approach to claim resolution. Clients value Meredith’s responsiveness, regular updates, and informed defense strategies. Connect with Meredith for an adept and proactive defense you can count on.

A proactive approach sets Meredith apart in both the legal field and the rest of her life. Never one to wait and let life come to her, Meredith makes things happen. Her drive for travel and new experiences has put her in incredible situations and taught her how to roll with the punches. She doesn’t sit by as challenges arise – she anticipates them, combining a drive for tackling the unexpected with the foresight to address issues head on. Her clients appreciate that she pushes claims forward at every turn. Meredith's dedication to staying ahead of the curve is a valuable asset in minimizing potential risk in the dynamic landscape of workers' compensation. 

Meredith’s love for the Midwest runs deep. She graduated with her J.D. from the University of Iowa and her B.A with honors from the University of Tulsa. Her approach to legal defense is marked by a thorough understanding of the nuances within Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa workers’ compensation law. Having grown up and spent her entire career in the Kansas City metro area, Meredith is familiar with the unique challenges of those living and working in both Kansas and Missouri. She spent her law school summers working in public interest on both sides of Missouri and has traveled all over the state representing her clients in nearly every single venue. Meredith also serves on the board for the Kansas Bar Association, working to bring the legal field to every corner of Kansas.

Her forward-thinking nature doesn’t just apply to her robust defense strategies. It also drives her in her community service and mentoring of the next generation of lawyers. As part of her work on the KBA board, Meredith runs the High School Mock Trial Competition for the entire state of Kansas. This activity not only teaches public speaking but is an opportunity for students to think on their feet, react strategically, and interact with adults in the legal field. Meredith’s love for such strategic legal activities extends beyond her own law school career, where she competed at national Trial Advocacy tournaments – she now judges current students in those same competitions. Meredith also mentors students both applying for and beginning law school at UI, helping to guide the next generation forward into their own legal careers.

Client communication is at the heart of Meredith's legal practice. Recognizing the importance of staying up to date and informed, she prioritizes responsiveness and clear communication. Clients trust Meredith to keep them apprised of any developments in their cases and aware of potential issues before they come up. Meredith's insight ensures that you will be well-positioned for success.

Connect with Meredith for an adept and proactive legal partner who offers informed and strategic representation with skill and dedication.

University of Iowa College of Law, JD
City, University of London
The University of Tulsa, BA